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Sermon Notes

Sermon Notes

Pastor Al provides notes that accompany the weekly Sunday sermon. You can use these notes to follow along as you view the sermon videos on our YouTube Channel: 

YouTube link

Love God...Love People...Serve All


February 2 - Apostle Wilford Dilbert video


January 26 - Listen video, notes

January 19 - Randal Smalls, AM service video

January 12 - Joseph video, notes

January 5 - Psalm One video, notes



December 29 - The Three Wills video, notes

December 22 - The Arrival of the King of Kings video, notes

December 15 - Desire to Prophesy video

December 8 - The Commission of Joshua video, notes

December 1 - The Way, the Truth, and the Life video


November 24 - Oh that men would give thanks video, notes

November 17 - Endurance video, notes

November 10 - Follow Me video, notes

November 3 - Unshakable Hope video, notes


October 27 - Thirst video, notes

October 20 - Feeding the Five Thousand video, notes

October 13 - Missionaries Rich and Lori McLane video

October 6 - Supernatural Love video, notes


September 22 - Luke Chapter 7 video, notes

September 15 - Sometimes God Moves Quickly video

September 8 - God's Favor video, notes

September 1 - Mark 5 video, notes


August 25 - Keys for Promotion, notes

August 18 - Great Reward video, notes

August 11 - Ask, Seek, Knock video, notes

August 4 - Restoration video, notes


July 28 - Water Baptism video, notes

July 21 - Effective Prayer, Part II video, notes

July 14 - Effective Prayer, Part I video, notes

July 7 - The Lukewarm Church video


June 30 - The Rich Young Ruler video, notes

June 16 - God Will Fight For You

June 9 - Love God, Love People, Serve All

June 2 - The Sprit of Truth


May 26 - The Value of the Holy Spirit


April 28 - Seedtime and Harvest

April 21 - Discerning the Voice of God

April 14 - Living Under an Open Heaven

April 7 - Repentance


March 31 - The Resurrection with Evidence that the Resurrection is a Fact

March 24 - Deuteronomy Chapter 8

March 17 - The Healing of Naaman's Leprosy with List of Healing Scriptures

March 10 - Hidden Strength

March 3 - Envy and Jealousy​​​​


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