Victory Hill Church
Formerly Hastings Assembly of God
1674 W State Road, Hastings, MI 49058 ~ 269-945-2285 ~ victoryhill.aog@gmail.com
Our Vision

Love God...Love People...Serve All
In March 2023, we changed our name but remain an Assemblies of God Church
Our Vision Statement
We are called to be a revival church. Not just a temporary flash point of visitation, but a habitation of God by His Spirit (Eph.2:22). We are called to produce a sustained flow of the Spirit of life that grows into a mighty river that brings healing wherever it flows (Ezk.47:7-12). “Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.” (Isa.12:3) We are called to open glory wells of refreshing (Acts 3:19): Wells of hope and joy (Rom.15:13), wells of healing (Acts 10:38), wells of revelation (Eph.1:17-19), wells of renewed faith (Rom.1:17).
Our Mission
To look up in worship expecting fresh encounters with God
To look down at the Word of God which is our rule of life
To look in to build up and refresh the saints
To look out to bring mankind into peace with God
Our Method
Love God… Love people… Serve all
Our Core Values
The fullness of the Word and the fullness of the Spirit – Rom.15:29, 1Thes.1:5
Passionate Worship and Prayer – Acts 4:24-31, 16:25-26
Relationships, fellowship and serving others – Acts 2:42
Raising up the next Generation – Ps.145:4
Empowering believers for service – Eph.4:11-16
To seek and to save that which is lost – Lk.19:10
We believe in a spirit of excellence in everything we do – Dan.5:12, 1Kings 10:4-5
We Are
A prayer and worship center
A conference and revival center
A training and discipleship center
An outreach center
A healthy church family