Victory Hill Church
Formerly Hastings Assembly of God
1674 W State Road, Hastings, MI 49058 ~ 269-945-2285 ~ victoryhill.aog@gmail.com
Children's Ministry

Leader Theresa Slagel
Love God...Love People...Serve All

The Go! Kidz ministry is provided for children ages 5 years through 6th grade during our regular Sunday 10:00 am and Wednesday 7:00 pm services.
We believe kids can genuinely be saved, discipled, and equipped to worship & serve in God's Kingdom by the power of the Holy Spirit, and to walk in His supernatural ways.
We understand that children are the future generations that God has entrusted us with. We take that responsibility very seriously. A big part of their care is beginning teachings about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for their spiritual growth.
We have created a safe environment for their early years of learning and growing.
Theresa Slagel has leadership over these children, and is doing a phenomenal job. We are blessed to have her, and our faithful teaching staff.
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