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Victory Hill Church
Formerly Hastings Assembly of God
1674 W State Road, Hastings, MI 49058 ~ 269-945-2285 ~

School of Ministry
at Victory Hill Church

GMBI School of Ministry at Victory Hill Church equips believers for life and ministry. This program covers 15-powerful courses and will awakens the believers' potential and knowledge in the Word of God.
Students who complete courses will receive credit with GMBI.
Complete all courses to receive a diploma. Prior course credits will be applied.
Each course is taught by Pastor Alan Leonhardt, D.Th
Sundays at 6 PM at VHC.
Course fee is $10 per class (for the training manual); audit available.

Course 2: Prayer School
REGISTRATION OPEN FOR "Prayer School" begins March 9
Prayer has been called the "life-breath" of the believer; just as we require oxygen to survive, we as Christians need the life we life we live by faith to be energized and sustained through prayer.

Course 1: Healing School
Get to know what the Word of God teaches concerning divine healing and get to know the Healer Himself.

Register for the upcoming class "Prayer School"
$10 course fee (for the manual) due at start of class.
Married couples should register individually.
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